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Security expertise and service at the highest level.


Security solutions for any industry, any geography.

Online Security Training

Occupational Health and Safety for Workers

Breaches in workplace security can result in hundreds of thousands of injuries, and even fatalities. GardaWorld’s Occupational Health and Safety for Workers course (in French) will guide you through the basic principles of occupational health and safety (OHS), from prevention to its daily application.

occupational health safety for workers

Course Content and Duration

This two-hour online course developed by GardaWorld covers the importance of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) in the workplace.

Please note that Occupational Health and Safety for Workers is only offered in French.

Main topics include:
  • Understanding the importance of prevention
  • OHS legislation and resources
  • Hazards in the workplace
  • Reporting an accident
  • Harassment and violence prevention in the workplace
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Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS Training)

The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) is a vital tool for workplace security in any organization where dangerous chemicals are handled. Thousands of chemicals are used in the workplace. Mastering WHMIS will allow participants to identify hazardous materials and understand how to handle them safely.

Course details

Why Choose GardaWorld Campus?

We have been training security professionals for over 10 years.

Our seasoned team of dynamic trainers are passionate about advancing security careers through the latest educational programs and cutting-edge instructional tools.

The Campus actively contributes to the progress of new members of the GardaWorld team in addition to providing important support for the professional development of internal and external clients.
