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Security expertise and service at the highest level.


Security solutions for any industry, any geography.

Logistics and transportation - Hero

Our expertise 

We secure every step of the supply chain

Vandalism, intrusion, internal and external theft, transportation damage—just a short list of how your operations can be affected. From transportation to warehousing, inventory management and more, you can count on GardaWorld logistics security to secure all weak links so your operations can continue working safely, securely, and uninterrupted.

Complete security solutions for logistics and transportation

Manufacturing - Integrated. Authenticated. Dedicated

Securing your investment

Maintaining order and safety in your distribution centre is paramount. Thanks to our highly-trained logistics security guards and mobile patrols, you can rest easy. Access control, surveillance, detection, reporting of crimes against your property—it’s all in a day’s work for GardaWorld. This in addition to emergency response procedures, 24/7 alarm response, vehicle entry and exit control, cargo screening and more.

Advanced security systems for logistics centres

Peace of mind through innovative technologies

Because sometimes more than physical security presence is required. GardaWorld also provides comprehensive logistics security systems with technologies such as video surveillance, cameras and CCTV, access control systems, intrusion detection systems, and 24/7 remote monitoring.

Logistics and transportation - Advanced security systems for logistics centres

Logistics security consulting and planning

Logistics and transportation - security consulting and planning

Going beyond the expected

No one expects security breaches and thefts, but preparation is key when it comes to mitigating them. GardaWorld is here to help you plan ahead—and has the solutions that best suit your needs—preventing internal and external theft, security audits to identify flaws in your current security features, developing contingency plans to minimize disruptions for your logistics and distribution operations.

  • Security audit
  • Internal and external theft prevention
  • Investigations
  • Background check
  • Intrusion test
  • Integrity test
  • Labour dispute management
  • Security consulting services
  • Intelligence and tracking
  • Cargo crime unit
  • Truck yard security


Logistics and distribution security solutions

Our logistics and transportation security staff are specifically trained and handpicked to ensure you get the absolute best when it comes to protecting all of your assets. No matter what the scale of your operations, from physical security to advanced surveillance, we’ll partner with you to create you with a custom logistics security solution that best suits your needs.

Manufacturing - A highly vigilant workforce

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