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Security expertise and service at the highest level.


Security solutions for any industry, any geography.

Loss Prevention hero

Our expertise

A sound personalised prevention strategy

GardaWorld Security’s highly trained retail security analysts expose the weak spots that make business vulnerable to theft. This, in conjunction with delivering clear concise strategies outlining measures to be taken to limit and prevent financial losses.

Loss prevention consulting

Loss prevention consulting

Theft-proofing your retail business

GardaWorld Security’s experts conduct a thorough loss prevention audit to help close the gaps that lead to loss. Here’s what to expect. Review and analysis of operational procedures. Analysis of physical security devices. Identification of recurring internal risks. Information gathering through informal surveys. Creating policies regarding delivery and shipment of merchandise. And issuing recommendations to prevent external and internal theft.

Internal and external theft prevention

Covering all the bases

Asking the right questions. Identifying problem areas. Preventing internal and external shrinkage. Our highly trained loss prevention experts are well-versed in retail loss—and are there to help you shore up your internal loss prevention procedures. Internally, they provide detailed risk analysis reports, recommendations, and personalized action plans. Externally, they help protect your inventory through uniformed deterrent guards, mobile patrols, floor walkers and more.

Loss Prevention - Internal and external theft prevention

Employee training when it comes to loss prevention

Loss Prevention - Employee Training

Learning to spot theft and fraud

Loss and prevention security starts with knowing where to look and what to look for. And the better educated your security force, the better your investment. At GardaWorld Security, we’re dedicated to keeping our personnel well-versed in identifying and helping prevent loss in your retail environment. From online training to traditional classroom-style courses, as well as a loss prevention info-line, we give them the knowledge and the tools to get the job done right.

Ongoing presence

Maintaining security

At GardaWorld Security, we’re a committed partner in maintaining the success of your business. And to help you maintain optimum security, our loss prevention programs feature a complete range of services to meet your security needs. Regular compliance visits, fraud investigations, pre-employment screening, retail investigators, high-end luxury retail services—just a selection of the many loss prevention options available to you.

Loss Prevention - Ongoing presence

Preparation. Prevention. Intervention.

Loss Prevention - Preparation. Prevention. Intervention.

A complete loss prevention program

Our loss prevention experts and security personnel are specifically trained and handpicked to ensure you get the absolute best when it comes to protecting your retail interests. From smaller boutique retail outlets to shopping mall chains, you can count on GardaWorld Security’s loss prevention services to ensure the security of your goods.

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