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Security expertise and service at the highest level.


Security solutions for any industry, any geography.

Security Services Canada

How we are different 

Commitment is at the heart of everything we do

Our clients choose us because our highly-trained guards are not only motivated, but dedicated to performing their duties with care and pride. This commitment is part of our ongoing mission to provide exceptional customer service, consistently exceeding expectations in everything we do.

The right people in the right roles

Security services

We take the time to understand exactly what you need

Whenever we send a security guard to a client’s site, we ensure that their personality type and skill set are a good fit for the role.  This ensures better performance and higher employee satisfaction, which both lead to higher client satisfaction.

We go beyond the basics

It’s more than a skill set. It’s a mindset.

Our core security guard training includes observation skills, safety training, and provincial licensing requirements. What makes our security guards unique is the level of professionalism we instill and the level of service we train them to deliver. This, as well as courtesy and communication are differentiators.

Security Services - Beyond the basics
Security services

Our managers are on the ground

We believe in hands-on, proactive leadership

Our managers are seasoned security professionals who understand our client’s needs but also our employee’s needs. This means our teams feel supported and motivated and therefore, our clients receive a reliable, responsive service. We have knowledge and expertise in the day-to-day operations and are ready to act quickly and efficiently when changes do come up.

Security Services - Managers on the ground

Canadian capability.
World-class resources.

Security services

Securing the future of your assets, today

We are Canada’s premiere security company. Thanks to our customer-oriented approach and scale of operations, we offer personal customer service like no other security company. From security guards to executive leadership, we practice transparent communication at every level—guaranteeing the most consistent service across the board. Resulting in successful client relationships, pro-active solutions, and superior all around service.

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