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Security expertise and service at the highest level.


Security solutions for any industry, any geography.

Oil, gas, and energy sectors - Hero

Our expertise

Your partner in fully customized, site-specific energy security solutions

Our industry-focused training and complete adaptability to our client’s intricate needs make GardaWorld the ideal partner when it comes to ensuring the safety and security of your oil, gas and energy sector workers and assets.

We are ready to mobilize

Oil, gas, and energy sectors - Woman at the gate

Highly trained, highly specialized security personnel

Rest assured that our security personnel have what it takes to safeguard your energy structures. From cutting-edge site-specific security training initiatives mimicking real-life scenarios to comprehensive protection strategies, emergency response planning, cultural understanding and beyond—our security experts have the background and comprehensive experience to take on any security situation. Our internationally accredited certifications include:

  • Marine Transportation Security Act (MTSA)
  • Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS)
  • Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC)

Our standards are beyond standard

Security operations par excellence

Our core security guard training includes observation skills, safety training, and provincial licensing requirements. What makes our security guards unique is the level of professionalism we instill and the level of service we train them to deliver. This, as well as courtesy and communication are differentiators.

Oil, gas, and energy sectors - car in action

Surveillance technology at your service

Real-time 24/7 monitoring and rapid response capabilities

Wherever your oil, gas or energy site is in the world, nothing escapes the attention of  GardaWorld’s technologically advanced energy security surveillance systems. Your company benefits from improved situational awareness, regular aerial surveillance, advanced risk management solutions, and infrastructure inspections to minimize threats to your business. Here’s how we keep your company one step ahead of the rest:

  • Advanced intrusion detection
  • Remote monitoring through Mobile Surveillance Units (MSUs)
  • Drone surveillance through Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
  • Biometric access control
  • Video analytics
  • Thermal imaging

Experienced. Specialized. Mission ready.

A truly secure investment

Our oil, gas and energy security specialists are specifically trained and handpicked to ensure that you get the absolute best when it comes to protecting your operations. No matter what the scale of your ongoing or future developments, we’ll partner with you to provide you with a custom solution for your oil, gas and energy security needs.

Oil, gas, and energy sectors - Experienced. Specialized.

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