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Security expertise and service at the highest level.


Security solutions for any industry, any geography.

Online Security Training

Bomb Threat and Terrorist Threat Awareness

With the rise of terrorist threats globally, bomb threat and terrorist threat awareness is more important than ever, and security guards must be extra vigilant. This training provides knowledge and understanding of explosive devices, hazardous materials and emergency procedures.


Course Content and Duration

This two-hour training about bomb threat and terrorist threat awareness was developed by GardaWorld and provides basic knowledge and understanding of explosive devices, hazardous materials and emergency procedures (search, evacuation, cooperation with public forces, etc.).
Main topics include:
  • Explosive device identification
  • About various types of incidents and CBRN attacks
  • How to identify chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats
  • How to identify and search for suspicious objects
  • How to apply standard emergency procedures
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Active Shooter Awareness Training

The term “active shooter” describes someone engaged in killing or attempting to kill people with firearms. As shown in the news, active shooter incidents can happen anywhere at any time. GardaWorld’s online Active Shooter Awareness training is designed to help anyone master the skills and techniques needed to survive an active shooter incident.

Course details

Why Choose GardaWorld Campus?

We have been training security professionals for over 10 years.

Our seasoned team of dynamic trainers are passionate about advancing security careers through the latest educational programs and cutting-edge instructional tools.

The Campus actively contributes to the progress of new members of the GardaWorld team in addition to providing important support for the professional development of internal and external clients.
