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Security expertise and service at the highest level.


Security solutions for any industry, any geography.

Online Security Training

Active Shooter Awareness Training

Our Active Shooter Awareness Training course provides you with information that could save your life. The term “active shooter” is law-enforcement terminology for a mass shooting, usually at random, in a confined or populated area. One of the keys to survival is understanding the main attitudes and tactics to help you react properly. Do you know what to do in an active shooter situation?

Online Active Shooter Awareness

Course Content and Duration

This two-and-a-half-hour online course was developed by GardaWorld specifically for employees and members of the general public who are interested in understanding how to react in an active shooter situation. Upon completion of our Active Shooter Awareness Training course, you will receive a personalized certificate.
Main topics include:
  • What the “Run-Hide-Fight” strategy is and how to use it
  • How to recognize the profile of an active shooter
  • How to identify potential security breaches
  • How best to communicate key information to emergency services
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Course details

Why Choose GardaWorld Campus?

We have been training security professionals for over 10 years.

Our seasoned team of dynamic trainers are passionate about advancing security careers through the latest educational programs and cutting-edge instructional tools.

The Campus actively contributes to the progress of new members of the GardaWorld team in addition to providing important support for the professional development of internal and external clients.
