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June 7, 2024


5 min read

5 Reasons to use Third-Party Investigators


5 Reasons to Use Third-Party Investigators

We all know the importance and sensitive nature of any workplace investigation. From on-the-job harassment or discrimination to theft or fraud, such problems have to be handled with professionalism, privacy and respect for all parties. Otherwise, what may have seemed like a minor issue can quickly become a costly and time-consuming civil or criminal lawsuit.

Some organizations have skilled personnel to resolve such incidents, but even these often turn to experienced third-party professionals to assist with internal investigations.

We discussed this with Yves Lefebvre, Director of Consulting and Investigations at GardaWorld Security.


First of all, what are the signs that indicate to a company that an investigation may be needed?

Investigations are often launched due to an employee or management complaint. Other red flags include absenteeism, discrepancies in inventory, theft, fraud, and due diligence or business intelligence matters. Those are among the most common, but our investigations cover a wide range – from corporate espionage, misconduct and abuse to credible threats and locating missing persons.


Why then will a company contact you to assist or conduct their investigation?

We believe there are 5 main reasons a company will decide to use third-party investigators. The first 3 reasons are linked. They are Experience, Resources and Special Skills. They are connected because, for example, we have acquired our special skills thanks to our experience and resources, and so on. Still, we believe our experience is the #1 reason companies contact GardaWorld Security.


1 Experience

We’ve been conducting investigations for organizations for decades. We’ve seen it all and handled every possible type of corporate inquiry.  We can lead an investigation for a company, but frequently we work side by side with their own internal investigator or team. In such cases, it’s our combined expertise and resources that get the job done.


2 Resources

We can provide almost limitless resources to any investigation. Many of the companies we work with are limited in the time or internal resources they can afford to put into an inquiry. It can be tempting to ignore concerns that distract from their core business.

This is where a company can enjoy the efficiency and cost-savings of having a third-party partner. We can expand their reach into specialized areas or geographic regions. For corporate investigators with overwhelming caseloads, we provide scalability to help break through their backlog and achieve the results they need.


3 Special skills

In many cases, an investigation calls for a special skillset, such as undercover operatives or covert surveillance. These kinds of activities, often required for complex cases, are better handled by an external team.

Ultimately, we exist to eliminate or reduce risk, find the facts to whatever questions or allegations our clients may have, and the ability to pursue that factual evidence across the country or around the world.

The next two reasons, for why we are contacted for third-party investigations, are so important for a company’s reputation – how a company is seen by its own employees, as well as by the general public.


4 Impartiality, transparency, accountability

For increased impartiality, having a non-biased third-party opinion adds a layer of transparency and accountability.

Third-party investigations help alleviate employee concerns about bias or unfair treatment. In a recent case handled for a manufacturing company, employees expressed relief knowing that an impartial third party was conducting the investigation into workplace safety concerns. Similarly, in a retail setting, employees appreciated the confidentiality and fairness of an external investigation into suspected theft, which helped preserve morale and trust within their team.

A company may have its own in-house professional investigator, but still prefer to introduce a layer of separation between allegations and the investigative process. Even if our findings align with internal resources, especially in sensitive cases, our work helps foster confidence, fairness, and impartiality. We're committed to uncovering the truth, regardless of where it leads.

Heightened awareness of such issues as on-the-job harassment, discrimination, inclusivity, privacy, worker’s rights, and workplace conduct has led to increased vigilance. Companies know their obligations and are addressing these issues through investigations as part of an overall risk management approach.


5 Credibility in court

Some investigations can only be resolved in a civil or criminal court. Enlisting the expertise of a third-party investigator can significantly bolster a company's position. Judges, juries, and mediators often view external investigators as impartial and objective, lending credibility to the evidence they present. While it's essential to recognize the contributions of qualified security professionals within companies, the impartiality and expertise of external investigators has a positive influence on court outcomes.


You’ve outlined the signs an investigation may be necessary, as well as the 5 main reasons to use third-party investigators. Are there any industries that require your services more often than others?

Breaches of conduct leading to complaints and investigations are common across all industries, but some sectors do have more frequent concerns. We are seeing an increase in investigations in the supply-chain related to cargo crimes. Higher absenteeism in sectors relying on physical labor. The retail industry suffers from internal and external theft issues. Law firms request our services to support their legal processes.

GardaWorld's commitment to fostering ethical practices and a healthy corporate culture is exemplified through our diligent investigation of whistleblower hotline. Serving as a neutral reporting channel, we provide a safe and confidential platform for individuals to voice their concerns, thereby upholding transparency and accountability within all types of businesses and organizations.


Thank you, Yves, for sharing your expertise about third-party investigations. Hopefully, this article will help companies understand when and why it can be in their best interest to consult with your team.

Contact our consulting and investigation services to learn more about how third-party investigators can benefit your company. 

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