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Security expertise and service at the highest level.


World-class security and risk management solutions across Africa.


Securing Arusha, one business at a time

GardaWorld offers the top security solutions in Arusha.

Collaborating with your business, our security experts design and deliver personalized security plans. By leveraging state-of-the-art security and communications technology along with exceptional customer service, we safeguard your business. The Arusha security team is committed to keeping you safe.

Security Services

Security Guards in Arusha you can trust

Our security guards in Arusha excel due to their unrivaled training, dedication, and intimate knowledge of the Arusha area. Connected to the local Arusha office and supported by state-of-the-art communication tools, they are quick to respond to incidents. GardaWorld Security guards receive rigorous training in first aid, fire safety, customer service, and more, ensuring your workplace is safer and theft is minimized.

Locations - Mobile - Patrol - Security

Mobile Patrol Security in Arusha

To deter crime, our mobile patrols in Arusha strive to be highly visible. In the event of trouble, GardaWorld Security‚our units, with advanced technology, offer rapid response and effective communication with our Arusha office and law enforcement. Our Arusha mobile mobile patrol services are dependable for securing office buildings, malls, industrial parks, warehouses, residential properties, and neighborhoods.

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Residential and Commercial Concierge Security in Arusha

Trust GardaWorld Security to provide concierge-style services to enhance hospitality, customer service, and security for your Arusha office tower, residential complex, or condo building. Our concierge security services can be integrated with 24/7 monitoring and mobile patrol to ensure the safety and security of your property in the Arusha area.

Join the team

Plot Number 11 Simeon Road, Kijenge Area

GW- Arusha Branch



+255 754 250 600

Our commitment to service

“Over time GardaWorld showed themselves to consistently rise above their competition and thusly, now carry the bulk of my contract security needs.”

New York’s Largest Private Employer and Health Care Provider

Our commitment to service

“If I was rating your service, I would give you 90 out of 100.  Your team is great and we have no complaints.”

Terry Connor

Operations Manager

Fort McMurray Oil Barons

Our commitment to service

“GardaWorld has always been proactive with training their guards, resulting in more confidence and expertise in working through different scenarios.”

M. Jason Sangster

Director Terminal Operations, Security & Safety

Edmonton International Airport

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