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Security expertise and service at the highest level.


World-class security and risk management solutions across Africa.

What we do - Medical Solutions - Medical Hero - Africa

Ensuring health and safety

Protecting your people, no matter the environment

Our integrated facilities management gives you complete control of your property operations, allowing you to reduce costs, enhance effectiveness, ensure compliance, and much more.

From initial consult to 
ongoing operations

Medical - On-site services

On-site services for remote locations

Understanding endemic health risks in hard-to-reach environments is critical for your people’s health and the success of your operation. We help you identify what your workforce requires and then design and provide the necessary medical services, infrastructure and transport.

  • Site consultation
  • Facility installation
  • Medical staff
  • Supply chain management
  • Ground and air transport

Meet health and 
safety standards

Protecting your workforce's occupational health

By ensuring industry standards are always being met, we help your people stay healthy so your operational environment runs at its best.

  • Drug testing
  • Periodic medicals
  • Industry health and safety standards assessments
Medical - Health and safety standards

Safeguard public health

Providing for local populations

We work with you to understand how your operations affect the environment and the people living there, and then find solutions that deliver a positive impact on the health and safety of all.

  • Environmental impact assessments
  • Public health initiatives
  • Local infrastructure
What we do - Medical Solutions - Providing for Local - Africa

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