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Security expertise and service at the highest level.


World-class security and risk management solutions across Africa.

Our commitment to service

“GardaWorld allowed us to make the transition while keeping the parking lot operational. It's been a great success, and we hope it won't be the last.”

Simon Landri

Director of Technology


Our commitment to service

“GardaWorld has always been proactive with training their guards, resulting in more confidence and expertise in working through different scenarios.”

M. Jason Sangster

Director Terminal Operations, Security & Safety

Edmonton International Airport

Our commitment to service

“I feel very comfortable coming to work every day knowing that GardaWorld is doing the job we need them to do — providing safety and security in our airport.”

M. Sean Power

Manager Terminal Operations & Security

Edmonton International Airport

Most Recent Capability Sheets

Capability Sheet

Security Training for your Staff

Do your business imperatives require you to deploy staff members in challenging countries? Do you have sleepless nights while your staff are traveling abroad?


Capability Sheet

Critical Assets Protection

Do your operational activities require a deployment of staff in challenging countries? Do you have critical infrastructure that is potentially exposed in remote areas?


Capability Sheet

Next Generation Technologies, Breakthrough Solutions

Has Covid-19 disrupted your global operations? Are ongoing trade conflicts, geopolitical instability, and national policies challenging your supply chain? If so, you are not alone.


Capability Sheet

Comprehensive Banking Security Solutions

GardaWorld is a true one-stop-shop for trustworthy risk mitigation. With a wide range of services, we offer complete customized security and manpower solutions backed by world-class customer service.


Capability Sheet

Agriculture in Africa

GardaWorld has the manpower, the infrastructure and the reach to deploy integrated on-site security solutions on any agricultural farm, estate or ranch, irrespective of how remotely it is located, how...


Capability Sheet

Remote Site Security - Meeting the Challenges

For security solutions to be effective on remote sites, which are often in challenging and hostile environments, they require the full cooperation of all key stakeholders to achieve seamless inte...


Capability Sheet

Secure Every Step of your COVID-19 Vaccine Supply Chain Across the Middle East and Africa

We are a partner of choice for private companies, governments, humanitarian organizations and multinationals around the world.


Capability Sheet

Roadmap to Workplace Safety and Viability

Through the adoption and implementation of key measures, together with GardaWorld you can mitigate risks and keep your workplace, schools and communities safe and secure amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
