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Security expertise and service at the highest level.


Security solutions for any industry, any geography.

Our commitment to service

“I feel very comfortable coming to work every day knowing that GardaWorld is doing the job we need them to do — providing safety and security in our airport.”

M. Sean Power

Manager Terminal Operations & Security

Edmonton International Airport

Our commitment to service

“Achieving 10 years without a recordable injury is an amazing achievement. Given our work environment and tasking this is only accomplished by ensuring everyone is working safe. You are best in class.”

Martin Abbott

Security Specialist

CNRL Albian

Our commitment to service

“We’re always ready to provide a reference because of what GardaWorld does for us here at the airport.”

M. Jason Sangster

Director Terminal Operations, Security & Safety

Edmonton International Airport

“GardaWorld was able to virtually eliminate variable (ad hoc) costs by implementing a custom patrol program that included a Problem Response Officer (PRO), who could be dispatched as needed throughout the day or week.”



Case Study