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Security expertise and service at the highest level.


Security solutions for any industry, any geography.

Security services

How we are different 

The most committed security guards in the industry

We are superior to our competitors because we hire for ambition and train for excellence. It is part of our relentless commitment to customer service.

The best security guards for the right roles

Security services

We take time to understand exactly what you need

Every time we send a security guard to a post, we make sure that their personality type and skill set are a good fit for the role. This ensures better performance and higher employee satisfaction, which both lead to higher client satisfaction.

Far beyond basic security training

It’s more than a skill set. It’s a mindset

Our Core security guard training includes observation skills, safety training, and state licensing requirements. What makes our security guards unique is the level of professionalism we instill and the level of service we train them to deliver. Courtesy and communication are essential.

Security Services - Beyond basic training
Security services

Managers who care about the details

We believe in hands-on, proactive leadership

Our guard-to-manager ratio of 7:1 ensures accountability and employee engagement. Our managers carry an average 20 years of experience each, understand the details of every role, and conduct frequent quality audits on every security guard.

Security services

World-class security resources, personal service

Security services

We succeed because we listen 

We are the only security company of this size that offers truly personal customer service. We practice transparent communication at every level, from security guards on the ground to executive leadership. Our client relationships are successful because we listen carefully, execute precisely, and follow up swiftly.

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