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September 23, 2020


1 min read

How Katie Morton’s Adaptability and Focus on Problem Solving Took her Far


How Katie Morton’s Adaptability and Focus on Problem Solving Took her Far

Katie Morton’s willingness to adapt and her solution-oriented approach to problems helped her land three promotions in 10 months with GardaWorld.


In April 2019, I’d been working as an HR manager for Whelan Security for about six months. That’s when GardaWorld acquired the company, and I was given the opportunity to transition into a recruiting role.

In a matter of 10 months, I went from HR manager, to regional recruiter, to senior recruiter, to my current role of division talent leader. My supervisors at GardaWorld recognized my willingness to adapt to the changing needs of the company and to be a problem solver. They also appreciated that, as I quickly transitioned through my roles, I made sure the branch and operations would never suffer during the hand-offs.


Bringing military values to GardaWorld

I’m an Iraq war veteran combat firefighter. I was the only female in an all-male firefighting unit the very first year of the war. Military service is valued at GardaWorld, and my experience in the military prepared me well for working here. GardaWorld and the military both value integrity, respect and trust.


Supporting a large team and being solution-oriented

I have 15 recruiters who report directly to me. I strive to make sure each of them feels the same level of support with their day-to-day workload. With everyone communicating and collaborating well, we are able to provide flexible coverage to all markets in our region.

As a leader, I always try to think through all the potential outcomes of any scenario before acting. I pride myself on being solution-oriented instead of getting hung up on the problem.


The importance of communicating your career goals

To anyone looking for career growth, you can find it at GardaWorld. Make sure your leadership team knows that you are up to the challenge and you’re willing to respond to the needs of the company. This willingness will help your name float to the top when opportunities arise.


See how you can build a successful career at GardaWorld. View our job opportunities here.

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